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Vendor Report

Vendor Report Configuration

Vendor Report is used to disclose the list of third party vendors.

To create a new Vendor Report,

Once logged in, the Data Governance Tool displays the Main Screen.

  • Navigate to the DSA Request module on the hamburger menu.

Dashboard highlighting the DSAR option in the Side menu

  • Toggle the 'View Dashboard' button to 'View Configuration' to see the DSAR configurations.

highlighting the toggle to switch between dsr dashboard and dsr configuration view

  • Navigate to the 'Vendor Report' tab on the DSAR Configuration screen.

vendor report tab in Dsr configuration

  • Click on 'New'.

new button to start creating a new configuration

  • Provide a unique 'Name' and 'Description' for the report.

name and description fields

Name -- the name used to uniquely identify and report and explain the purpose of the report, which is displayed as the main heading in the published page

Description -- this is used to provide more information about the report and is also displayed in published page. This is an optional field.

  • Select a 'Domain' to map.

domains drop down

Domains -- List of Domains available in the tenant. This is used to map the domains to which the configuration will be applied. Multiple domains can be mapped in one configuration. Same domain cannot be mapped in more than one configuration.

  • Select a 'Datamap Report' to map.

datamap report dropdown

Datamap Report -- List of reports available in the tenant created in Predefined reports under Manage Reports with the index Datagovernance. This is used to map a report to the configuration.

  • Click on 'Save' icon to save the configuration.

save icon to save the new configuration

  • Click on 'Publish' icon to publish the configuration. Published date will be generated automatically after the configuration is published.

publish icon to publish the new configuration

  • Click on 'View' icon to view the latest report before publishing.

view icon to view the latest data in mapped datamap report

  • Click on 'Copy Links' icon to copy the published report links. Values will be comma(,) seperated if there are more than one domain mapped in configuration

link icon to copy links of the published configuration

  • Click on 'Delete' icon to Delete the configuration and published report.

link icon to copy links of the published configuration

To view the published report, take the copied link and paste in browser

published page sample report

The following theming from domain configuration is used in the vendor report.

  • Domain Image
  • Header
  • Footer


  • New changes in Datamap report are not automatically updated in the published report. The report should be published when ever a change is needed.
  • In Dsr Emails, [VendorReportLink] placeholder is available. This will be replaced with the published report link.
  • View the reports section to see more about configuring a report using Manage Reports