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REST API Documentation

Meru Data's REST API allows access to Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) by integrating it with the Meru Data Governance Tool.

Getting Started

  1. Go to the Data Governance Tool

  2. Go to RestApi Configuration under Settings

  3. Fill in the given fields: a. Name: Enter a name for identifying the account b. Add the IP address/CIDR (optional): To allow access to IP ranges

  4. Click Create to generate a Client ID and Client Secret

  5. Use the received Client ID and Client Secret to get the Access Token

  6. Use the Access Token to receive data from APIs


Meru's REST API supports HTTP Basic authentication. The first step is to register a unique Client ID, and a Client Secret will be assigned. The Client ID and Client Secret are then used to generate the Access Token, which allows you to access the API. The Access Token is valid for 24 hours, post which you will need to generate another Access Token.

Get Access and Refresh Token

• Description: Used to retrieve access and refresh tokens
• Method: POST
• Url: Auth/RequestAccessToken

Headers Required:

• ClientId
• ClientSecret


• Scope- list of permissions required for API (Check Scope)

Scope: RequestsDetails List of APIs under this scope • DSR/Requests/Optout Refresh Access Token

Refresh Access Token is used to refresh the Access Token (valid for 24 hours) after it expires. • Method: GET • Url: /Auth/Refresh Go to Refresh Access Token under Rest API Collection (Url: /Auth/Refresh) Headers required: • RefreshToken The ClientId, ClientSecret, and Refresh Token keys should contain their respective values generated during authentication. RequestBody: • None Click Send to request a new token. You will get a new Access Token and the same Refresh Token in the response field. To update the new Access Token, go to Rest API Environment and update the current value against the variable "Access Token". Click Save.

Data Subject Request Get Opt-Out Requests with filters

This API allows you to fetch data subject opt-out requests with further options for filtering the available requests.

• Method: GET
• Url: /DSR/Requests/Optouts
Request QueryParams

• startDate: Date string. Ex - 2022-08-17 21:32:02.613, Format - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Inclusive)

• endDate: Date string. Ex - 2022-08-17 21:32:02.613, Format - YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Inclusive). If startDate and endDate are missing, all of the requests will be fetched.

• size: No. of requests to fetch (set to 1000 by default, can be specified as required).

• ShowOnlyActive: Default false. Shows requests in any status by default. Set it to “true” for fetching only active requests.
  • Response Format
    • StatusCode : HttpStatusCode
    • ErrorMessage : Error Description
    • Response : Response collection based on request
  • Example Response
StatusCode : 200
ErrorMessage : null
Response : {
TotalCount: 100,
Requests: [ {
Id: 100,
Request_Id: "Req-100",
Request_Status: "Inprocess",
Request_Date: "2021-11-10 19:03:17",
Discription: "Requestor wants to unsubscribe from marketing and promotional emails.",
DueDate: "2021-12-24 19:03:17",
CreatedDate: "2021-11-10 19:03:17",
Request_Title: "title",
Requestor_Contact: "912391239",
Requestor_Phone: "912391239",
Requestor_Email: "",
CustomerNumber : "",
SocialMediaHandle: "",
UserName: "",
Requestor_City: "Austin",
Requestor_Country: "United States",
Requestor_State; "Texas",
Requestor_ZipCode: "73301",
Requestor_HomePhone: "",
Requestor_WorkPhone: "",
Requestor_FirstName: "John",
Requestor_MiddleName: "",
Requestor_LastName: "Doe",
Requestor: "",
Requestor_Email2: "",
Requestor_Email3: "",
OnbehalfOf: false,
IsMajor: true,
ClosingRequestReason: "",
Automate: true,
IsRequestVerified: false
} ]